Thanks for visiting my page. I have decided to raise money through running, in memory of my Dad, who passed away unexpectedly between Christmas and New Year. It has been a difficult time for my family losing him so suddenly, and we all miss him very much. I have decided to fundraise in memory of him, and so far have signed up for:
- 8th July 2018 - Great North 10k
- 19th August 2018 - Run Durham Dalton Park Summer 10k
- 9th September 2018 - Great North Run
I hope to sign up for other events to raise as much money as possible, for vital research that British Heart Foundation undertakes. I am grateful for any support.
The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but sadly every day hundreds of people lose their lives. It's only thanks to support from people like us that the BHF can create new treatments and discover new cures. £24 could pay for two hours of research by an early career scientist, but every pound helps so please give what you can to help me hit my target. Thanks!