We would love your compassion in arranging a charity event a friend is holding on 5th March to raise money for Air Ambulance and Cbit (brain injury team)
Her daughter Faye was 14 and involved in a road traffic accident on 23/10/20 on the Cotton Road. She was hit by a van travelling at 60mph. Luckily there was a paediatric surgeon 3 cars behind who tried to open her airways. The surgeon and emergency services couldn't do this so rang for the air ambulance who came and incubated her straight away on life support. She was too ill to go in the helicopter due to bleeds and swelling on her brain, but their immediate action saved her until she got to hospital by ambulance. Faye had so many injuries but is now thankfully recovering.
Cbit is a brain injury charity which has helped Faye and still is as she is still recovering from her brain injury. They help with training her teachers, hospital appointments and provide guidance. Faye is very strong and courageous and has even returned to her school.
Both of these charities were fundamental to saving her life, as they are to so many others. Both organisations rely on donations to continue the amazing work that they do.
The charity event takes place on 5th March and we would be so grateful for any donation to help these charities go on to save the lives of others.
Please help if you can!! Every single donation received will be greatly appreciated and will make such a big difference.