Hi,thank you for visiting our just giving page. We are a crew joining together to help raise funds for the Crawley St. Catherines Hospice. One of our crew was recently hit with some devastating news,and as a crew we decided to help raise funds for the people who are helping her and her family through this extremely tough time. This walk came at the right time for us as we were all wondering what,if anything, we could do to show how much we care. It was a resounding yes when we found out about this walk,and great because there was a level that we felt we could all do, Our friend and colleague, Kam, is an extremely valued member of our lives. She has a wicked sense of humour and can be extremely funny in a subtle way. Even now that things aren't so great for her she is still showing her concern for all her family and friends. We have many plans for the coming year, all of which Kam is heavily involved in.