Dear friends,
We all hate cancer, right?
Well, your fearless Advertising Agency has agreed to take part in Today FM’s Dare to Care campaign to support the Irish Cancer Society. As you know, Dare to Care raises hundreds of thousands of euros every year, and we’re delighted to help in some small way. Our ‘Dare’ is that, at random, we will be joining our staff together - twinning them in specially-designed Dare to Care double-T’s. We pay no heed to gender, body-shape, seniority or even personal hygiene standards. The twins will work, attend meetings and eat lunch together (negotiations on the protocol for bathroom breaks continue). The work of the agency will go on, regardless, on Thursday September 21st and - who knows – we may have stumbled upon a new formula for searing insights and ground-breaking creative. Although we doubt it.
Please donate.
From all at Publicis