Firstly thank you for visiting this page!
Having just graduated from KCL as a Dentist (Alhumdullilah) I have further been blessed with the opportunity to travel to Bangladesh this summer with Journey Maa.
For those who aren't aware (despite my rabbiting on about it all the time), Maa is a UK registered student led Charity that aims to improve maternal healthcare in resource poor settings of Bangladesh and beyond. Our aim is to empower women, help support families and to raise awareness of maternal health issues.
With Journey Maa I will be part of a diverse international team that will see first hand the challenges of delivering maternal healthcare in a developing country. We will be setting up clinics in villages around Sylhet, working with the Bangladeshi Maa team. Last year we were able to screen hundreds of mothers; many of which had never even visited a clinic before. This year we hope to do the same but in 2 additional villages
I don't want to write a long essay that will detract you from
coughing up the donations but Maa for me holds a soft spot in my heart. I was there when Maa went from an idea to a reality.
My mother is the most important woman in my life. Our whole life she has supported our family, taught us the value of an education, and worked to put me through this degree. Every achievement I have gained belongs to her first an foremost. The idea that thousands of mothers die during child birth alone every year in Bangladesh, leaving a child to be raised without them, is one I feel I have to do something about.
I firmly believe the mother is the backbone of any society. As a Dentist I will be holding educational workshops that aim to improve oral health by equipping mothers with preventative oral hygiene techniques that they can then pass on to their families and friends.
I am also on Maa's Core team this year; working as part of the media team so I will be trying my best to keep you all updated via social media so you can see for yourself all the amazing work we are doing.
I have set a target of £1500 to fund Journey Maa. (flights I will pay out of my own pocket). I ask you to donate as much as you can for such an incredible cause - providing vital support to Mother's in need.
Here is what we plan on doing this year:
- The MAA educational
booklet (an illustrative guide to pregnancy)
- Enhancement of the
seminar content
- The MAA cradle- Iceland/Scotland/ sterile kit additionally
- The training of the untrained (traditional birth attendants)
- Folate and Vitamin D status/ Medication support
Thank you for your time. Please Donate what you can and share this link with your friends and family