Our lovely mum Helen was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease in February this year after a long slog of pushing for answers and a diagnosis. It wasn’t something that we knew was in the family and it only came to light after lots of investigations.
Mum is still waiting to see a physio, speech therapist, dietician and an occupational therapist. Even after all these months she still hasn’t gotten these initial appointments to start looking at ways to support and ease her symptoms. It has become clear that the HDA charity are a real important font of knowledge and support network through diagnosis and beyond.
HD is an incurable disease and we want to raise money to support the charity that provides so much to those with HD or caring for someone that does.
James and I will be starting our journey for testing, well we are still waiting for the referral 2 mths later! So we will be looking for raise vital funds to help support along the way.
We appreciate every penny that you can donate and it will keep us going on the big day!