I'm taking on my own challenge this April to raise funds and awareness for SarcoidosisUK.
I set out with a dream. A dream to run my own marathon
3000 metres in 30 days. Not very far, even verging on the ridiculous, until you knew that, I struggled then to walk more than 100m a day, attached to my oxygen machine. In the end last year, I covered over 4,100m, raising nearly £42,000 (after gift aid and matching by BLF), with everyone’s generosity, and helped to raise much needed funds for a cure, as well as public awareness for sarcoidosis.
I look back with great pride to have been lucky and able to have completed the challenge and privileged to spread awareness of this rare disease. This has been brought home to me in the last 6 months as I have lost a lot of strength and mobility in my body, especially my legs and hands, need constant assistance and struggle to get a few metres to the next room using sticks. I have also learnt this year that life changes all too quickly, grab your opportunities whilst you can.
Those of you who know me, know I never give up. My lungs continue to deteriorate. I find myself more disabled than I ever imagined I could be, but I’m not dead yet! I’m more determined than ever to set myself a new challenge for 2022’s Sarcoidosis Awareness Month in April. This year Sarcoidosis UK have a ‘Build Your Own Marathon’ campaign, inspired by my determination last year, to show anyone can create their own challenge to fundraise. Why not create one yourself?
So what’s my challenge this year? Currently, I'm stuck upstairs at home and can't get downstairs, so it’s me, the bedroom, bathroom and upstairs hallway. I’m lucky, if I'm able to cover 30m in a day. Like last year, I will be challenging myself to double what I walk daily - an extra 35m or 5 laps per day of my hallway - for April, in what I’m calling the ‘Hallway Hike’ as I’m sure it will feel like that! Thank you to anyone who would be kind enough to sponsor me or donate to this cause that is so close to my heart or even just a ‘Go For It’ Jules would be greatly appreciated.
If you don't know me, you can read more about my story and battle with Sarcoidosis here:
SarcoidosisUK is a small charity that exists to provide support and information for people with sarcoidosis, and to fund research into a cure for the condition. It is currently among the world’s largest sarcoidosis research funders and is passionate about helping to find a cure. SarcoidosisUK is dedicated to funding at least one major piece of research per year and will continue to do this until a cure is found. They rely on support to keep going! They receive no government funding and their work would not be possible without generous donations of time and money.
Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.
Lots of Love