It seemed a good idea at the time! I had the pleasure of looking after the beautiful Lucia Butterworth last year which is where I came to meet the people at small steps school for parents and where the idea of doing the london triathlon came up. In return for an entry place, i simply had to get some fundraising together-all too easy. The whole swimming, cycling and running thing was a byproduct, however, now its all cleats and lycra and lots and lots of pain. A couple of years of beer swilling hasn't done me any favours for the training, but now its all good and am excited about the race on the 1st of august.
The children and staff at small steps have truely inspired me and have forced me out of bed and down the track for training on many occasions. Lucia has progressed hugely with the input of small steps and the very hard work of her parents and its for her and the other children i am desparate to raise as much money as possible for small steps. Please acknowlegde the kids hard work and mine by donating what you can for a truely fabulous cause.
thanks jules