Julie's page
Fundraising for Cardiac Risk in the Young
Fundraising for Cardiac Risk in the Young
Running in Memory of Jonathan Picker - 27.10.2004
My husband Jonathan Picker died back in 2004 of Cardiac Myopathy, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) whilst playing football. Over the last 4 years family and friends have been raising funds and awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY Charity). We have raised in excess of £5,000 which has gone to assist the charity in supporting families like mine.
Every week 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die in the UK from undiagnosed heart condition.
This will be my 3rd Robin Hood half marathon and I will be joined by Dave Chilton. This year we have decided to ring fence all funds raised to run our own Cardiac Screening (ECG) day in Nottingham, this will be open to anyone age between 14 – 35 years, during this day we will be able to offer upto 180 screenings.
However, to hold one of these life saving events we need to raise £4,500, to date we have raised £1350.00 towards this figure, please help us by sponsoring Julie or Dave to complete the 2009 Robin Hood half marathon.
By sponsoring Julie or Dave you will be able to see the difference your contribution could make, early diagnosis could prevent a family losing a loved one. Don't forget to cheer us on at the Robin Hood Marathon on the 13th September 09!!!Thank you for your support.
Julie and Dave
For further information on CRY please visit there website www.c-r-y.org.ukCharities pay a small fee for our service. Learn more about fees