As an Ambassador for tackle prostate cancer I am running my first 1/2 marathon to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer. This is now the No1 cancer for Men and has overtaken breast cancer. In 2019 there were 47,700 men diagnosed with prostate cancer , which is around 130/day and accounts for approximately 26% of all new cancer cases in males in the UK. There were around 12,000 prostate cancer deaths last year = 32 per day. 1 in 8 UK Males will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
tackle prostate cancer acts as the voice of prostate cancer patients in the UK and is the “headline” name for the federation of support groups around the UK
We are trying to encourage men to get tested though the PSA test as early detection is essential. If the cancer is caught early it can normally be treated, if it is detected later it can be managed, but if diagnosed in the advanced stages it is incurable.
I got involved as I was looking to do some charity work but did not like big charities that had. lots of Managers taking big salaries. Tackle prostate cancer is run by volunteers which is what really got me interested Having been involved for 2 years I am so pleased I did.
If I can personally raise awareness of the cancer and encourage men to take the PSA test early , I might be able to help in a small way and prevent some of these unnecessary deaths through late diagnosis
Thank you for donating to this wonderful cause