Joshua is 7 years old and lives near Canonbie in Dumfriesshire. He was born 2 months early weighing only 3lb 14oz. At 1 year old he was sent for an MRI scan because he wasnt reaching milestones. This revealed he had Cerebral Palsy and as time went on we learnt the type of CP was Diplegic affecting Joshuas legs.
Joshua has a love of life and is always smiling and cracking jokes. Physiotherapy and stretching are daily in his life. He goes through such a lot, from early morning stretches and muscle strengthening exercises before school, and all repeated throughout the day. Occasionally Joshua can wake in the night distressed and upset with extremely painful cramp in his leg muscles. This is awful for us all.
With thanks to you all we have raised so much already for a life changing operation for Joshua called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR). SDR aims to reduce spasticity in the lower limbs. SDR intends to improve quality of life and/or mobility in children affected by it.
We are doing this one last fundraising event for further funds to add to the pot, which would be used for the extremely important post op period, of which a minimum of two years intense physio is needed. Specialist equipment could be required by Joshua in the coming years too.
We believe SDR would give Joshua the best quality of life possible.
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