I will be running the London Marathon on 24 April in memory of my mother and to raise as much money as I can for Bloodwise (Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research).
In June 2010 my mother lost her ten year battle to multiple myeloma. After two years of being diagnosed with this rare cancer, she founded the Ashford branch of Bloodwise. By the time it closed in 2012 they had raised £111,000. She was particularly committed to helping young people with the disease and thanks to organisations like Bloodwise, survival rates have improved dramatically for children. I'm very keen to continue her good work and run in her memory.
After running the Brighton Marathon in 2012, I said "never again" but I turn 40 this September and have decided to embark on the ultimate midlife crisis challenge while trying to raise some money in the process.
Please sponsor me as much as you can for this very worthy cause. I really do appreciate your support.
Many thanks,