Hi There Everyone,
Thanks for looking at my page, please feel free to sponsor, if not just leave a message of support would be great.
I'm running the Paris marathon for Mount Vernon Hospitals CTRT charity, it stands for cancer treatment research trust. This charity is very close to my heart it has helped me so much over the past few years. For those of you that don't know I was diognosed with testicular cancer in 2006. I had an operation to remove a 12.5 cm tumor I then found out it had spread to my lymphnodes so i needed 9 tough weeks of chemotherapy and another operation, after this i was given the all clear.
I went 4 years having regular check ups then in October 2010 at my appointment unfortunatly i found out that it had come back again it was a shock for me and the thought of going through everything again was hard to take. Luckily this time with my regular check ups it was caught early enough so I just needed another operation but no chemo.
Before all this went on, to me I thought Cancer was an illness which only happened to others and didn't even dream of it happening to me. And its a tough thing to go through from the first instance of finding out, then having to wait for test results to actually find out how bad it is, to operations and chemotherapy.
Its now a big part of my life and a part of who I am. Mount Vernon Hospital has done so much for me I want to give something back to them so please donate as much or as little as you like. Every penny helps. Thanks for reading my story!!