Joseph Hood Primary School has community at its heart and is in the heart of the community. Every day it strives to make a difference to all the children, their families and everyone connected with the school.
This new year has brought even more challenges to school. We the PTFA are doing all we can to raise funds to help show the school our support. The school has faced enormous expenses ensuring it is safe environment for children to attend. We want to support this momentous effort by raising funds on their need to buy list that would have to be put off due to costs being diverted elsewhere. This year we are raising money to replace the outdated IT equipment in our computer room and to buy furniture for our new classroom space (which we previously fundraised for along with the school to build).
As when the children are back in school full time, we want to help them soar to their individual potential.
Use this page to make a general donation to Joseph Hood PTFA.
Please add Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer.
Thank you for your support for our school.