For the past three years, Jordan spent a lot of time in The Christie's Young Oncology Unit fighting a valiant battle against leukaemia.
He was willing to be involved in new trials and research in the hope that even if he didn't benefit from it, a young person may do so down the line. Despite everything he went through, he saw helping others to be as important as the help he received himself and was always mindful of the suffering of others.
The care that The Christie provided was stellar from start to finish. Having the Young Oncology Unit dedicated to treating young people was so important as the team there knew exactly what to do to support us and Jordan when we needed it. He had amazing relationships with the amazing people there who were with him every step of the way.
The team at the Young Oncology Unit went on the full journey with Jordan and truly cared about him with all of their hearts.
We are raising money for them in memory of Jordan so they can show the same care and compassion to many other young people and their loved ones.