Bit of mental one really -
26.2 miles - I’m sure that’ll be fun.
I’ve always wanted to run a marathon so might as well run in the big one😳
The stroke association is a great charity that help people & families which have suffered from strokes. Families like mine. They offer amazing support services to stroke survivors - whether this being in their personal recovery and rehabilitation, helping with financial responsibilities such as informing survivors of what benefits and financial help they are willing to claim (because trust me, the government do not make it easy) They also do extensive research into preventing stroke and also how to make the rehabilitation progress easier.
My families story with stroke starts with my dad. In 2015 when I was 17, my 51 year old, fit as a fiddle dad, suffered a stroke. He was within hours of losing his life but due to the unbelievable work of the NHS his life was saved. Me and my sisters didn’t lose a parent and my mum didn’t lose her husband - but not everyone is that lucky. A stroke is the 4th biggest killer in the UK, responsible for 35000 deaths annually. With over 1.2 million stroke survivors in the UK charities like the stroke association need support to aid survivors into trying to get their lives back to a form of normality.
I know times are tough for everyone at the moment and money is tight - but if you could spare a few quid for this great cause then it would be very much appreciated. If you can donate - please leave a song suggestion in your comment and I'll add it to my marathon playlist... no matter how bad it is!
Best get them running shoes on!
26.2 miles… christ
Cheers everyone
Jord x
The Stroke Association are the UK's leading stroke charity, delivering amazing, life-changing support to over 70,000 stroke survivors and their families each year.Without people raising funds for the Stroke Association they could not provide the support and research that they do. Your donations are so important to rebuilding lives after stroke.Where your support goes:- £80 could allow a a stroke survivor to attend a six week communication computer course- £199 could pay for one hour of Helpline activity- £310 could pay for the initial training and expenses of a befriending volunteer- £1,685 could pay for a fitness coach to provide stroke specific exercise rehabilitation- £40,000 funds a Lectureship Award for stroke doctor, nurse, therapist or scientist for a year- £450,000 fully funds a Priority Programme Award in haemorrhagic stroke, vascular dementia and stroke, or the psychological and cognitive impact of stroke, which would run over the course of 5 years