Thank you for visiting this page. It means a great deal to me and my family that you are considering supporting Norwood and my attempt to complete a marathon.
The Brief
The decision to run was not taken lightly. There have been a number of obstacles to overcome:
- I started off pretty overweight (virtually obese if we are being personal);
- Until October 2016 I'd never really run before; and
- I have had to totally change my lifestyle to get me into a place where I can even consider training for the event;
However, I have no doubt that it will all be worth it.
Norwood is reliant on people's generosity in order maintain the services it provides. It is an amazing organisation that benefits and changes some of the most vulnerable people's lives and has ensured a quality of life for my sister-in law Sonia who lives at Ravenswood (a Norwood run community).
So there.
That is the elevator pitch.
Please give generously. If you have some more time, read on about me and Norwood. If not your support is deeply appreciated. Thank you for getting this far.
The Decision to Run
This isn't really about me but...
I *love* running.
Before October 2016 I hadn't really run before. Maybe a bit of cross country at school but nothing sustained or consistent. Then a couple of years ago I realised I needed to start making changes to my lifestyle. A new fitness regime was supplemented with weekend running with friends. Bit by bit the running took over. Now as I write this, sitting at my kitchen table in December 2017, I have a plan that will take me from now, where I can comfortably run 20km to a place where I need to double that distance. And then some.
It is going to be horrible. Running long distances, four times a week so that come April I can stand on the start line and know that I will do my best for people who have supported me and the organisation I am running for.
It's a massive personal challenge. However, my motivation for doing it is rooted in the fact that I will be raising money for a charity that has been intertwined with the life and welfare of my family for over thirty years.
I could not be more committed to getting this done.
My sister-in law Sonia was born with Cerebal Palsy and is a beneficiary of the amazing work of Norwood.
Her time is spent in a wheelchair. She cannot easily communicate and has no decipherable words. She requires 24 hour specialist care.
Sonia is a resident at Ravenswood, a community established in the 1950's for individuals who have learning disabilities. There she, together with around 130 other people, receive first class care and attention from a dedicated group of highly skilled professionals.
Sonia is 41. She moved there when she was 9. I have known her for around 15 years, since Leah and I have been together, and it is clear to me and everyone that is privileged enough to visit Ravenswood that it is a special place which cares for people on the basis of their individual needs and which allows its residents to flourish notwithstanding any personal challenges which they may face.
However, Norwood is an organisation that is so much more than Ravenswood.
It cares for vulnerable children, young adults and their families too.
The work it does with individuals with learning disabilities right through their lives in order to enable them to fullfill their potential and transition into adulthood is incredible to witness.
I feel honoured to be part of Norwood's 2018 London Marathon team and I really do hope you can give generously.