Aaron, Natalie and Jonathan are all staff at Sheffield
Mencap and Gateway and have been involved with the Norfolk Lodge Lions football
team for over 10 years. In their challenge, they aim to hit the crossbar of a
full size football net at least 70 times in 70 minutes from the edge of the 18 yard
box in an event which will be covered by Radio Sheffield.
One of them has played in an FA Cup Final, scored for
Sheffield United at the Kop end and won an award at an FA awards at Wembley.
Another once scored twice in a local cup semi final….both were
own goals and the opposition gave them their Man of the Match award.
And the other is lovely, wouldn’t hurt a fly, but was once
substituted for a two footed challenge (and the reaction which followed) in a
charity tournament.
See if you can guess who’s who.
They frankly need all the help they can get. Please, please
sponsor them and support Sheffield Mencap and Gateway’s 70th
anniversary of supporting adults and children with a learning disability and
their carers. Thank you!!