Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure.
Once you have parted with some hard earned pennies JustGiving send your money directly to the charity. All 100% of it.
I'm not much for writting a sob story aiming to make you, my friends and family, feel sorry for me and donate. The basics are that in December 2012 the McCormack family suffered a huge loss to our clan, my Grandma Eileen McCormack. Being as i'm not a scientist or researcher there is limited i can do to help progress The Brain Tumour Charity other than raising money for the cause.
So along with my brother Matt and my auntie Nicky I'm going to run the Great North Run Half Marathon on the 15th September!
Any Donation of 1p or above will be greatly recieved and appreciated.
So Please Donate..
A) Because we all have a few pounds we could spare for a good cause.
B) Because i bloody hate running and this is purely for charity!!
C) Because this is at the end of my freshers week..
Happy Donating and if you would prefer to donate annonmously please let me know it's you via a text 07730251851 for a big thanks!