Everyone! thanks so much for taking the time to visit my just giving page. I have decided to embark on the challenge and run the Belfast Marathon in May 2014 in aid of the NI Cancer fund for children. Although this seems to be a great idea now! i can only imaging the doubts i'll have about doing this when i'm tackling the hills of Belfast. Please support my effort by offering a donation little or large to give me that extra encoruagement to get through this challenge. NI Cancer fund for children, supports young people who are living with the everyday struggles of having cancer. They are having to come to terms with this destructive disease and NICFC provides support to children and their families through such difficult time!......come on get those bank/credit cards out and donate to a great cause!.....Not to mention you'll get a laugh at me!
I am forever indebted to all of you who have taken time to read this and make that amazing donation!! :)
Thanks peeps!!