Dear All,
We have come round to that time of the year when the gladiators step back onto the Fifty at Tonbridge School on the 14 December to battle it out in memory of JV.
I would like to briefly take you back to last year when the Santas took on the Elves resulting in a high quality event with the Santas prevailing. The turn out on the side line was the best to date and we raised a staggering £2,695 for Brain Tumour UK. £700 of which was donated after the game by people who had not been reached by the page prior. Please pass on the link to all who you think would like the chance to give something!
I am aware that you all get pestered by charity fund raisers on a weekly basis, but I hope that you will agree this one adds an extra punch. For the veterans amongst you, you will recall that we once had raffles and auctions to raise funds for charity. Last year we depended solely on Just Giving and to the best of my knowledge the same applies for this year.
Therefore, please donate as much as you can with the proceeds going this year to The Brain Tumour Charity.
Thanking you all in advance.
See you all on the day and feel free to come in fancy dress as the Supermen take on the Batmen!!