" Want to know about me? Take a look at my beautiful friends and it will tell you all you need to know" John Wheeler.
As you beautiful friends have taken the trouble to find John's page I should like to take the opportunity to share a little of John's experience of Diabetes and the importance of donating to Diabetes UK in Johns name.
Remembering John you may think of his friendship, determination, loyalty, generosity, intelligence, his sense of humour, his passion for music, his utter devotion and joy in his family life.. a million different qualities...some personal to you, all of them great; overeall a huge capacity and desire to grab life, and its myriad opportunities, with both hands and live it well.
What many may not know is that John felt unwell most of the time. Diabetes robbed John of energy and health in so many ways. Days trying to fight immense lethargy, nights awake with profuse sweating, the stress and uncertainty of his failing eyesight over many years and the many small adjustments necessary to function such as larger screens etc. Unable to drive for long periods, often functioning with sight in one eye only, as retinal bleeds occurred which took 6 weeks to resolve each time. I will never forget the day that John realised that he couldnt see his girls faces in one look, but that he had to scan over their faces in order to have a complete image. Having surgery to stabilise his sight was a temporary reprieve as latterly Diabetes caused Neuropathy affecting the nerves in Johns hands and feet - so he was unable to feel small damage to feet caused by knocks or even grains of sand, causing infections and cellulitis, many courses of antibiotics, sometimes daily visits to hospital for IV antibiotics prior to his normal day to day routines. Neuropathy in Johns hands was the most painful blow as he was unable to play his beloved saxaphone with any confidence - because the strength in his fingers was gone which made him very, very sad. Struggling to use small tools, buttons or cufflinks. John described himself as "rolling with many punctures"....
Sadness at such loss is an entirley reasonable response, but John wasn't depressed. He would express how he felt, then immediately address how he would handle it. He did not dwell on what he couldnt do, but focused on what he could do, what he could achieve, what he could enjoy, and despite his difficulties he enjoyed his life right to the end.
We were given no warning signs as to what would happen to John and his passing is a huge shock. It appears his heart just stopped.... I like to think that at 42 he had lived and loved as much as a 92 year old and all that loving and living just wore his heart out...
He died of 'Natural Causes' with Diabetes as a contributary factor.
Thankyou for reading, but remember John loving and living life.