My self & my wife, along with 198 other veterans, will be taking on the northern frontier of the Roman Empire. “Hadrian’s Wall” as we northerners call it. In essence we will be covering the equivalent distance of 2 marathons, over 3 days & 2 nights in a tent. (Need sponsorship just for that, with Wifie). Each carrying a house brick, inscribed with the name of a fallen comrade. At the end of the march, the bricks will form a hollow tower of remembrance. At the Light Infantry museum, Bodmin. The event is not only to remember the fallen, but also to raise awareness of the countless suicides within the veteran community, due to P.T.S.D.
“Not just Another Brick in the Wall”
All proceeds will go to The Rifles Charity Trust.
Care 4 casualties
Not Just Another brick in the Wall, is an endeavour to remember fallen comrades, raise awareness of service men & women dealing with PTSD, & to raise much needed funding for The Rifles Trust, Care for Casualties Charity.
My dedicated brick will be to Major Paul Harding
Paul Harding is in part responsible for the not so young man, who I have turned out to be. As some of you know I left Sunderland as a spotty 16 year old gobshite, to join The British army. after eight months of Junior Soldiers training, the spotty 16 year old had grown into a 17 year old spotty professional soldier of the Light Infantry.