My wife, Anne, has suffered from multiple myeloma for about 3 years and throughout that time we have benefited enormously from Myeloma Australia's specialised nurses, informative web seminars and sociable face-to-face group meetings. 3.8 with a mate is our way of further supporting the approximately 38 mates who are diagnosed with myeloma each week in Australia.The 3.8 is a COMMUNITY EVENT designed to raise funds and awareness for Myeloma Australia. Myeloma Australia is committed to community and are asking you to help raise both awareness about myeloma and vital funds for Myeloma Australia.Event Location: Wigley Reserve, 621 Anzac Highway, Glenelg. Time 10 am Sunday 5th March 2023.
Geoffrey & I completed the walk, accompanied by Liz Bor, Noel Sage and many others. Thank you to all our contributors: we are nearly up to our target.