I am taking on the London Marathon 2023 for WeSeeHope!
WeSeeHope have been close to my heart for a number of years, and it’s been amazing to witness their amazing journey. Their commitment to creating sustainable change for vulnerable children in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe through community-led and skills-based programmes is not only inspirational, but also in my opinion extraordinarily well thought out, providing solutions to long term goals, rather than short term fixes. Focusing primarily on education, child rights and economic empowerment, their aim is that vulnerable children have the skills to change their own futures, and that their families and communities are able to support them along the way.
Personally, I also feel very privileged to have them entrust me with a spot running the London Marathon! Having done basically no meaningful exercise in my adult life (except for lugging musical equipment around, loading tour vans, occasionally playing piano a bit too enthusiastically, and waving a very small wooden stick around- that counts right?!), I started running a bit back in April while we were in beautiful Cornwall, and found it to be rewarding hard work, but also a good personal retreat - a place to just process thoughts and be without notifications and deadlines. Since then I’ve been running fairly consistently, though not very seriously, and found myself wanting to push towards a goal - and hopefully do some good with it at the same time - so in a moment of madness I emailed WeSeeHope to say I thought I might be up for the marathon… before I knew it, I was signed up, and am now not just running for myself, but training to hopefully do WeSeeHope proud.
I know any donations will be incredibly gratefully received, will be put to incredibly good use, and will spur me on not just on April 23rd, but also for every mile of pavement pounding between now and then.
Please visit the WeSeeHope website for more information - Thank you for visiting my page and supporting my challenge - please hit the donate button now to help me reach my target!