Hi Folks,
As most of you appreciate by now, SOY is an innovative and award-winning program that supports the health and well-being goals of LGBT2SQ youth and young adults. Matt and I have been raising funds for this tremendous organization for more than 20 years, and so many of you have been generously supporting SOY all along the way. This year's Annual Fundraiser is taking place on Oct. 21, 2021 and once again due to COVID, teams will be competing for points in a zoom event of e-games instead of for strikes and turkeys in the bowling lanes.
Support has never been more crucial than during this past year and a half which saw so many youth experiencing greater social isolation, food insecurity, and job loss brought on by the pandemic. Please consider joining us once again and donating to SOYs annual fundraiser and know that your gift will have a direct impact on LGBT2SQ youth in our community.
Through SOY, LGBTQ2S youth are provided with mental health and wellness programming, goal planning and housing supports. Programs offered through SOY provide a safe space for youth where they can feel nurtured, understood and heard, which is essential to their overall well-being.
In the words of one SOY client "... as a queer and trans teenager on the run from an abusive and transphobic home environment, attending the SOY program when I got into Toronto helped me find community and support. I was able to access health care services, get fed regularly, and learn about issues relevant to the LGBTQ+ community."