Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I’d like to give a brief reason why I chose Mind as my charity.
2019 saw the break up of my marriage and although me and Shelly have become better friends since then other circumstances during that period including a minor relapse in an eating disorder I had in my early 20s as well as questioning being “here” made me seek counselling. Although I didn’t get in contact with the charity itself they do amazing work for people who have/are suffering with mental health so I’d like to try and give something back to them to assist them in their years to come.
So, as a keen runner I have set myself the unenviable task of running the equivalent of running a marathon (26.2 miles) 8 days in a row. That equates to 172 miles
Anything you give, whatever the amount I will be truly grateful.
Thanks for reading.