My sister was 15 when she was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer, She was brave, beautiful and the most courageous girl I've ever known. She peacefully passed away on the 6th of March 2010 at the age of 17. Watching her slip away into a world that's unreachable was the hardest thing I've ever gone through but throughout the 2 and a half years she was ill, I came to realise just how many young people are affected by cancer and I saw just how much Teenage Cancer Trust do for them. Which has made me & James decide to do a charity skydive in April 2013 in memory of Jennifer. It is probably the scariest/craziest thing we will do and we aim to raise as much as we can for Teenage Cancer Trust after all they do to help the teenagers that are going through the scariest time of their life. April seems so far away but I'm sure it will be here before we know it. We will also be baking and selling cakes at school to raise the funds for the skydive, so all the money raised through sponsorship will be going to the charity.