I get inspired when I hear real-life stories of young people who have battled the odds and can overcome their addictions to drugs or alcohol. I can get on board with that, and I hope you can too. I am going to contribute to the "What's Your 50?" Challenge and raise $500 (this will cover the cost of 1 week of rehabilitation)... hoping I can raise more, but we'll see. Our Brisbane office team are collectively going to walk a half ultra marathon..... I will be doing 50 of something, will you sponsor me (give me a donation) to make this happen? I need your support to help me get there (your donation will be Tax Deductible).Teen Challenge QLD has been restoring lives in Queensland for 50 years, and the New Life drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres in Toowoomba are celebrating 20 years this year. The fundraising goal of $50k for the "What's Your 50?" Challenge will enable 2 young people to complete one year of rehab. It will only take 50 people to raise $1k each to make this happen! Can you jump on board the "What's your 50?" Challenge?