Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Many of you already know my story but for those who don't...
My life's motivations stem from the most beautiful, selfless and happy woman I've ever known, my mum.
I'm now in my 12th year without her since she died from cancer in 2003. She taught me a lot in the 16 years we shared together, particularly to never give up. It's amazing where you find the extra speed in a race or the extra mileage on a training run even when you feel you have nothing left, for that my mum deserves to be celebrated!
I've raised almost £2000 in her memory through running both the London and Edinburgh marathons (2012 and 2013 respectively). I've since gone on to complete 5 marathons so felt a new challenge was needed this year, not just one Ultra marathon but two, with a cheeky marathon thrown in for good measure! Here's some info;
14th March-D33 Ultra (Deeside Way Aberdeen from Duthie Park to Banchory and back-33miles)
26th April-Virgin London Marathon (26.2mile road race).
2nd May-Edinburgh to North Berwick 20 mile road race
16th May-Cateran Trail 55 (55 miles, 7450ft ascent-hoping for sub 10hours).
Today (26/01/15), I started my 16 week training plan that will finish with the Cateran. My training will see me cover over 900 miles on varying terrain and in all weathers. I will race a total of 11 races between now and 16th May, ranging from 5k's, 10 miles, half marathons to the ones mentioned above.
I will be training high mileage on tired legs week after week, one weekend of training (the week before London marathon) will see me run a 25 mile run on both the Saturday and the Sunday. Running is what I do but even I will be testing myself beyond my limits!
My progress will all be recorded on Strava-where you can follow me.
Cancer is something that affects so many people and kicking its butt is something I am all for. All I'm asking is that you spare some of your hard earned pennies for a great cause, you can sit back and enjoy your relaxing weekends while I do the hard graft! :)