Hi! Please help me to raise money for RTS by sponsoring me. This is a cause very close to mine and my family's hearts as my youngest daughter Kitty has RTS, an non inherited rare genetic condition. It is a lifelong condition which presents a host of challenges the individuals it affects, and their families. RTS can affect many physical aspects, it also typically affects social skills, behaviour and the ability to communicate, impacting the ability to form meaningful relationships with others and to live an independent and satisfying life. Much more research is needed to understand RTS, and the RTS Support Group will be using the money raised to fund a PhD into mental health in individuals with RTS, which will be hugely beneficial to the individuals, their families and the medical community.
If you are interested to read more about RTS and the PhD, visit the support group's website
Is it really a big deal to run 10 miles?? Maybe you run regularly and this would be a fairly light challenge for you.... well, running is probably my LEAST favourite thing to do - your sponsorship will be enormously helpful in spurring me on through the training and keeping me going when I am questioning my decision to train for a 10 mile run from a standing (sitting!) start :) I would really appreciate your support, you are giving to a great cause. THANK YOU, Jo