For 50 years the Foundation has been the platform for its mission of providing quality learning and cultural opportunities which enhances the economic growth of the community.
One year a student in the SWC’s enology and viticulture program was struggling to buy books. This person had a family with two children and had to concentrate on the basic needs of the family. I anonymously donated the funds for the needed books. That student graduated and is currently a wine maker with his own tasting room. He has given back and supported the economic success of his community.
It has been shown that for every $1 spent, students gain $6.10 in lifetime earnings and society gains $7.20. This is an example of what the student I donated books for his classes has experienced.
I am offering a matching donation for the first $1,000 raised. Every dollar counts no matter how small or large the donation for these unrestricted funds. Please join me in support of the 50 for 50 YC campaign. The students and society will be the benefactors.
Thank You!!