Following surgery for breast cancer last summer Daft As A Brush (DAAB) transported me daily to the Freeman for radiotherapy. This was a tremendous help, reducing our stress enormously. They co-ordinated my appointment times with the hospital & just told me what time I would be collected. It was really good for Jim who otherwise would have had to drive, park & sit in the car or his wheelchair for long periods. Their volunteers were just amazing, kind, cheerful & helpful.
This month Liz & I are planning to climb at least 2 of the 3 Yorkshire Peaks to raise funds for this charity as they receive NO government funding.
We have been training hard. I started straight after Xmas & have built up to walking every alternate day plus a much longer walk once a week. Planning 18 miles this weekend. Liz is up to a similar distance but it isn't easy for her to find the number of hours needed when juggling a young family & work plus a home! However she is 30 years younger than me. We have booked accommodation for another weekend in May in case the weather in April prevents us walking.
Jim & I walked the Three Peaks several times in our twenties, but It is at least 50 years since I have done a walk of this distance! For me, now 75, it is a HUGE challenge!
Look on the Gallery & we will update you with more pictures after the event.