We are taking part in Hospiscares Marathon in a Month! We will be putting our best foot forward and walking the lanes, tracks, fields, parks and pavements (and hills don't forget those) of beautiful Devon, all in aid Hospiscare. Completing a marathon in a month is going to be a challenge, but nothing compared to the challenge of a terminal diagnosis that so many face each year. That's why we are raising funds for local charity, Hospiscare, which provides support for terminally ill patients and their families across Exeter, Mid and East Devon. Hospiscare believe that every day matters and their teams of doctors and nurses offer specialist palliative care, to ensure that patients are able to make the most of the time they have left. The support we received from Hospiscare enabled us to look after Alan at home and ensured that his final days were comfortable and he was surrounded by people he loved. Please help us make a difference by giving whatever you can and share our page with your family and friends. Thank you in advance for your generosity. It means a lot!