Four years ago I read a book by Mike Carter; 'One Man and His Bike' and this compelling story of a man and his odyssey around Britain inspired me. I really wanted to do this.
Work has meant that I have had to wait for the right opportunity to fulfil this dream. In April 2018, I'm riding my bike around the coast of the British Isles, setting off from Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, counter-clockwise until I arrive home some 3500 to 5000 miles later. It may be July, it might be September, it's not a race, it's a journey to see this island that is our home.
Most of us will have been affected by Cancer, either directly or indirectly. Every day Cancer devastates the lives of thousands of people and families within the UK. So I'd like to make my journey mean something, to be purposeful. That's why I'm asking you to help me raise as much money as possible for this extremely important and hardworking charity. I'd like to raise £10000 but there's no ceiling. So come on, please, help me to raise as much as possible. Any advice or feedback to help me achieve this amount or indeed any help will be greatly appreciated.
I'll keep you informed of my progress with pictures and journals etc. A few friends have expressed interest to join me on certain legs of the journey. You're more than welcome! Come along.
Oh! Why GBFACE? Well I'm going to be stopping at almost every coastal resort in Great Britain. It's going to be a 'Great British Fish and Chip Evaluation'.
Thank You.