To celebrate 5 years of working at WeSeeHope and cheering on many others, I've decided it's about time I trade in the megaphone for my running trainers and take part in the London Marathon for myself!
For those that haven’t yet had to listen to me talk about WeSeeHope for the 100th time, here’s a little about what we do - we’re committed to creating sustainable change for vulnerable children in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe through community-led and skills-based programmes. We focus primarily on education, child rights and economic empowerment and our aim is that vulnerable children have the skills to change their own futures, and that their families and communities are able to support them along the way.
How? Take a look at our website or come for a run with me and I’ll tell you all about it…
This will be my first ever marathon and first challenge for WeSeeHope so I would really appreciate it if you could support me in any way that you can.
And if you’re in a position to give £15+, please comment with a song choice when you donate and I promise to add it to my running playlist (be kind!!)
Thank you so much and I hope to see you on either one of my many long runs or at the finish line.
Jess xx