This is a picture of me and my friend Ljubica Steward, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2007. Our friendship started the Christmas after she was diagnosed. She had just completed her chemo and was preparing herself for a mastectomy. Our first real conversation over a cup of green tea will stay with me forever. I can remember looking with such admiration for this lady, she had so little hair but was speaking with such strength and positivity.
Our friendship grew daily and I wanted to be part of Ljubica's suffering but more importantly her happiness. I needed to find out more about her illness and her needs to fight this parasite that had threatened her health. I used resources and studied nightly to find how to support and find the right words to say to my new friend. Breast cancer care was one of those resources. We as a team and as close friends feel the need to raise some money to help other people in our situation. Ljubica is awaiting reconstruction and I am still reading and learning more and more please help us to support Breast cancer care.
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Breast Cancer Care will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.
So please sponsor me now!
Many thanks for your support.