Thanks for taking time to visit my JustGiving page, I'd love you to donate if you can, £1 is fine or a share of this fundraiser if you can't.
The most important thing to know about me
Is that I'm not a runner.
I entered the 2019 ballot and got in to run in 2020 and then covid happened so I completed the course virtually in Staffordshire.
But, I wanted to experience the marathon on the actual route, so here I am again in 2022.
Here's why...
After the very sad loss of my twins, a boy and a girl aka “The Pips”, I dredged through a tsunami of emotions, at times I was often left overwhelmed in grief and speechless, and for those of you who know me well will know that I’m not often lost for words.
The work of sands enabled me and many others just like you and I to navigate a raw time in my life.
Sands support, they lobby for change, they research to reduce baby deaths, they educate healthcare professionals and they support those families who are devastated by the loss of a baby, or a pregnancy.
I wish more people knew about the work they do and the positive impact they have on families throughout the UK.
Those who benefited on my journey Include the aunts, and uncles, the grandparents, the siblings, and the potential parents.
I'd love your support
It would mean the world to me, the Pips and those who will need the services of Sands.