In March 2020, we lost Jenny to a rare illness that hadn't been diagnosed until it was in an acute stage, despite numerous tests and specialist appointments due to what we now know to be symptoms of amyloidosis. Jenny was 41 years old, and until two years ago, was perfectly healthy. We want her memory to help to save others, so other families do not have to suffer a similar loss.
Amyloidosis is a rare disease caused by damaging build up of abnormal protein fibres, called amyloid, within the tissues and organs. Amyloidosis can affect any part of the body and lead to life threatening organ failure. The Amyloidosis Research Fund within the Royal Free Charity supports the research, development and patients of the UK NHS National Amyloidosis Centre (NAC) at the Royal Free Hospital. The Centre, established in 1999, is funded directly by NHS Specialised Services to provide diagnostic and management advisory services for all UK amyloidosis patients.