Trish O'Neill says her family's lives have changed since Assistance Dog Quelda joined them
"From the day my son Conor was diagnosed with autism, our life as a family became more and more limited. Simply going out together became an ordeal. A trip to the park was impossible. If there was water or a river nearby Conor would try to run to it, with no sense of the danger it posed. When we would try to stop him from running, he would get incredibly upset and have a meltdown. Busy environments like the city centre were out as Conor would become overwhelmed by the noise, hustle and bustle. So many doors have opened since Quelda came into our lives! We now have the confidence to go anywhere - we will try anything as we know Conor is safe with Quelda. She has an amazing calming effect on him - he will reach down and rub her ear if he is feeling overwhelmed. She is the best therapy that Conor has ever received. She has changed all of our lives."