So i'm crazy at least thats what anyone who knows me might be thinking..... i've never run 10k before in my life in fact the last time i ran any sort of distance i was about 12 and that was a 2.5 mile fun run....
Last year i made my excuses and i stood on the side lines as i watched many of my friends and flatmates run the Bristol 10km. Along with 300 other runners as part of Love Running they helped raise over £70,000 for charity and had fun doing it. The only thing is i felt like i missed out, i missed out on changing the lives of the needy, the poor and the oppressed....When they anounced it was happening again this year i had to sign up....Now i've just got to do the training...
This year over 500 of us are running the Bristol 10K as part of the Love Running and we are aiming to raise over £100,000 for 5 charities. These charities range from ones that work directly here in the city of Bristol to those that work overseas. Below are brief summaries including links to the charities sites feel free to read.... If you don't feel like reading please just donate these are all worthy causes trying to make a difference.....
I think thats all from me...time i went for a run and you started donating, don't you think? ;)
Love you all
Firstly we are supporting World Vision Zimbabwe. I recently watched a documentry on the BBC about Zimbabwe's forgotton Children. It cost just $2 to send a child in Zimbabwe to school for a term yet many can't even afford this. The documentry showed children scavenging for bones in rubbish tips to try and pay for their education. How can we stand by and let this happen? How can we have all that we have when others have nothing and not question, why? Visit for more details of what World Vision is doing in Zimbabwe..
Next we have Stop The Traffic. Stop The Traffic are an organisation that work with others to stop the buying and selling of people illegally, They work globally to try and educate people about trafficking, we want to support them in putting a stop the trafficking of people. Visit for more info....
On our doorstep we have the Crisis Centre Ministries which aim to provide care for the most needy people in our city and includes the Wild Goose Cafe (recently featured on the Secret Millionaire) which provides food to over 300 homeless and needy people a day. Visit for more information.
Another charity which directly affects Bristol is The Noise. The Noise is held every year on May Bank Holiday weekend, hundreds of people from across Bristol come together to make Bristol a nicer place to live.... Last year this included cleaning up rivers, parks and overgrown land, as well as putting on fun days for families. Visit for more info.
Finally on our doorstep we have St Peters Hospice.... St Peters Hospice aim to provide care for local people with incurable illnesses along with providing support for their families. Visit for more info...