Can you help me build a brighter future for local people living with neurological conditions?
In April, I’m abseiling 131 feet (that's like 26 of me!) from the summit of the AECC Northern Lights Tower to raise funds for Sue Ryder and its Aberdeen-based neurological care centre, Dee View Court.
Dee View Court is Scotland’s only purpose-built specialist care centre providing round the clock care for people with long-term and degenerative neurological conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Motor Neurone Disease and Huntington's as well as acquired brain injuries through things such as road traffic accidents or a stroke. Twenty four people between the ages of 18-65 call Dee View Court their home.
At the centre, the specialist team of nurses, physios and carers focus on what a person can do - not what they can’t - to help each resident live as full a life as possible, regardless of their condition.
However as the only purpose-built specialist care centre of its kind in the country, with just 24 spaces, the waiting list is always full and demand continues to grow.
Right now, in Scotland, there are currently more than 1,000 people living with a neurological condition who are inappropriately placed in older people’s care homes, hospitals and psychiatric wards going without the care they urgently deserve and need.
Dee View Court desperately needs to expand to help more people. Which is why, in 2017, Sue Ryder launched a two year £3.9m Capital Appeal to expand Dee View Court, update the existing facilities and create a further 20 bedrooms/lifelines for people in our community.
But it’s a big project, and one they can’t do alone. Please help me support Sue Ryder achieve a bigger Dee View Court by sponsoring my Abseil.