Babies who are born very prematurely or sick often need help feeding via feeding tubes, these babies are also separated from their mothers straight after birth as they are taken the Neonatal unit. Mums of babies in neonatal care are under a great deal of stress and arent able to build the same milk supply as they would if the baby could breast feed.
Breast milk is the most valuable source of nutrition for premature or sick babies and the only way for some mothers to be able to offer the baby breast milk is to express breast milk via a breast pump which is then fed to the baby via a feeding tube. It is essential they have the access to a hospital grade breast pumps, unfortunately there is shortage of breast pumps on the neonatal unit at Royal Oldham hospital, the unit has 37 cots to care for 37 babies but currently only 5 breast pumps available for to support mums with early expression.