I work in the SCAS Communications Team and we will be working together to raise money for South Central Ambulance Charity, in several different ways by walking, cycling, rowing and running over a 12 week period to ‘Outrun the ambulance’. We are hoping to raise £1000.
I have chosen to out run Adderbury station, which averages 133 miles a day! Please help me raise money and support our charity :)!
South Central Ambulance Charity raises funds to support South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. All the money raised by our Charity are used to fund services, projects and equipment that is not supplied by Government NHS funding. Without the money we raise people in our communities would have to wait longer for help which could affect their recovery.The Charity works across Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire as well as supporting our Patient Transport Services in Surrey and Sussex.