On October the 18th I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy who was born sleeping with no known cause.
I went to the hospital a couple of days before because I felt I hadn't felt movement and I just wanted to put my mind at rest and know my baby boy was okay. I received the worst news any mother could hear. 'I'm so sorry his heart isn't beating'; words I will never get out of my head. Being shown my baby, that I had wanted forever, on a screen and seeing his heart not moving haunts me every day. I was told I had to take a tablet to let my body know Archie wasn't there anymore which of course I didn't want to do. How could my perfectly healthy baby not be with me anymore?
I got induced two days later and Archie was born at 23:23 on the 18th of October 2021 surrounded by people that love him. His mummy, daddy, nannys and grandad all witnessed him come into the world and the moment I had my baby in my arms I felt so much love and I am so proud to be Archies mummy.
The moment I had to say my goodbye to my only son, my only child was the hardest thing I will ever have to do. I know the emptiness that fills you when you lose your precious so wanted baby. This is why I have chosen to support aching arms charity who provide bereaved parents like myself a teddy bear to help us know we are not alone & keep our angel babies connected.
In honour of my son Archie George Brown, together we will help support families like ours, we are parents, we didn't choose this for our children and Aching Arms charity really helps you not feel so alone. To have my baby help another family makes me so proud.
Our aim is to send out 100 teddy bears in honour of our son Archie on his 1st birthday to help 100 other familys going through this dreadful time.
So please donate & help families like ours have their baby known, help fill those aching arms x