Thanks for taking the time to visit our JustGiving page.
You may have heard that we have been chosen to represent the UK at the 90th celebrations of Girl Guiding in Nagano, Japan in August of 2010. As we are two of only 7 girls chosen, we feel extremely lucky and honoured to have this opportunity....but we need you're help!
The cost of this trip will be between £1800 each, meaning some inventive fundraising will be needed! Along with this webpage, we have carried out other methods such as cake sales, quiz nights etc and are continuing to fundraise to the best of our abilities whilst taking our AS examinations.
We would be delighted to inform you of our trip on our return or whilst there, setting up a facebook group or twitter feed.
The trip should include a range of challenging, sporty activities as well as volunteering aspects in the local communities, something I am sure we will not forget and of course developing our vital leadership skills and ability to cooperate within a team. Taking three languages at A level standard between us, we would also be very interested in the language and culture of the country itself. We love to travel, but even we had never dreamed of exploring Japan.
Please do not donate using the green button below as your money will go straight to Girlguiding UK and not to our trip. Instead, please send a cheque made payable to Suffolk Guides or cash to:
The Shooting Box, Aldham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6QG
or alternatively speak to Shan or I in person. You can also reach us through email:
We are very grateful for any donation and thank you for your time.
Thanks again!
Becky Irwin and Shan Bendall