Dear all,
I'll be doing a big sleepout next Thursday to raise funds for the Homeless people and I need you generous friends to sponsor me for this meaningful cause. It's going to be freezing but fun and a night of cold will allow me to fully understand and experience how lucky I've always been compared to many homeless people. The reason I'm doing it online is because I know many of you would like to donate even though you're NOT IN NOTTINGHAM OR UK!!!! :) so yes, as long as you have a visa card it should be fine...the minimum amount to donate is £2...yes, we can probably get a pretty decent fastfood meal in hk, we can probably go somewhere on the cab...but every little money is going TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THE LIVES OF THE HOMELESS PEOPLE! Mother Teresa said, "Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work." Every donation means something, no matter how great or how small it may seem to some of us, I'd really appreciate if you would all help and spread the love around to people we don't know, and eventually make a difference to their lives.
Framework is a local charity which helps homeless and vulnerable people in the Nottingham area. Each year they host a Big Sleep Out to raise money and awareness for the good work that they do. The Big Sleep Out involves being sponsored to spend a night on the street with lots of other young people and local groups. This year it will be taking place outside Trent fm Arena and hot drinks and entertainment are provided, making for a fun night!