Thank you for supporting Mummy's Star, the only charity dedicated to helping women and their families diagnosed with cancer in and around pregnancy. I want to help families like that of my friend’s sister who faced difficult times during pregnancy and after the birth of their healthy baby girl.
Dealing with the news that a pregnant woman has cancer, the decisions that she and her loved ones must then make, not to mention the treatment, turns a positive event into one of uncertainty and anguish for the woman and her family. Mummy’s Star aim to give practical support and advice to women diagnosed with or treated for cancer during pregnancy, within a year of a birth, or to families who in the first year after pregnancy lose a male or female spouse.
I absolute hate PE of any sort! But I’m going to run my first Half Marathon (and my first attempt at anything sporty since a school cross country run in 1983 where I came second to last! Oh, and a Race for Life stroll I did 9 years ago) to raise money and awareness for Mummy’s Star. Any sponsorship at all that you can give will be helping an amazing cause. Thank you. And wish me lots and lots of luck!!