Myself and 5 others attempted to break the pairs record 2 years ago. Unfortunately one of the participants picked up a severe injury and the attempt was stopped. Although we didn't break the record we managed to raise over 10 thousand pounds for 6 different charities.
David Leighfield and I decided that we would love to have a go at the singles record. It currently stands at 30 hours and is held by a pair in New Zealand. We both look forward to smashing it and bringing the record to Britian. Its not an easy feat and shows that our sport of bowls is more than just a social pastime for the older among us. It's a sport for all weather you are interested in having fun or playing competitively.
We are both local to Salisbury with David being born and raised here and with me living here for 11 years now Salisbury District hospital is very close to our hearts. I have spent time there when I was injured badly in 2009, both my children were born there and they have helped so many of my friends and family. The Salisbury Stars appeal do a fantastic job from the heart department to the children's ward. Me and David really wanna give something back and this is our chance.