Our objective is to urgently raise £1m of unrestricted funds by Friday July 5th 2019 to ensure that the JST can continue to deliver inclusive adventures at sea. If we are unable to reach this target, then it is likely that the JST's activities will cease immediately, unless the Trustees can find another viable solution to our funding situation which allows us to continue operating responsibly.
This chairty is an amazing charity who helps take people of all abilities on a voyage of a life time using 2 adapted tall ships that allow for everyone to get the full experience of a voyage including a wheelchair hoist to the top of the mast. This chairty is also meant to be part of an expedition of a lifetime for me in which they will be taking me and others of all abilities on a voyage for 2 weeks as part of a 4 week Iceland expedition.
Please donate whatever you can so we can make a difference and help save this charity which has been already running for 40years.